All the Readings found in this website are listed below under the pages they were first shown. When duplicated on other pages this will be indicated.
Reading 1.1 About: The dangers of irrationality
The Crux
Reading 2.1 About: No causation without correlation. Conflating natural climate change into catastrophic man made climate change
Reading 2.2 About: Brief overview of normal climate.
Reading 2.3 About: Al Gore’s deliberate misuse of correlation and causation
Reading 2.4 About: A list of some of the prediction failures that individually have falsified the Greens’ modified “Greenhouse Gas Theory”
Reading 2.5 About: Why Climate Science has failed us and should be renamed the “Don’t Know Science”
The Swamp Page 1
Reading About: Rising Sea Levels. Prediction failure and deceit about the Arctic region.
Reading About: Rising Sea Levels. Too little ice in the mountain ranges – looking at Google Earth
Reading About: Rising Sea Levels. Too little “available” ice in the Antarctic and Greenland
Reading About: Rising Sea Levels. Too little glacier ice.
Reading About: Catastrophic Storms. Too little energy – Storm in a Teacup.
Reading About: Catastrophic Storms. What is normal?
Reading About: Lack of Consensus. More than 30,000 scientists disagree.
Reading About: Lack of Consensus – Sceptics’ Words. Views and other theories about global warming.
Reading About: Lack of Consensus – Sceptics’ Words. Critiquing the IPCC and the Climate Models.
Reading About: Lack of Consensus – Sceptics’ Words. Challenging the whole concept of “Conscensus”.
Reading About: Lack of Consensus – Sceptics’ Words. Muzzling of the sceptics’ voices.
Reading About: Lack of Consensus – Sceptics’ Words. The scientists who believed in the Greens’ global warming but on closer examination have changed their minds.
Reading About: Surveys. Poor design of building and taking surveys.
Reading About: Surveys. Oreski’s 97% survey and Al Gore’s over-reach in quoting it.
Reading About: Concept of ‘consensus’ and its conflict with science.
Video Clip About: Critique of all the errors in a survey claiming to show that 97% of scientists support Man-made Catastrophic Global Warming.
Reading About: The difference between Environmentalists and the Greens
The Swamp Page 2
Reading 3.2.1 About: Brief overview of normal climate.
Reading 3.2.2 About: A brief look at CO2. Contribution by nature and Man’s small input.
Reading 3.2.3 About: More on CO2.
Reading 3.2.4 About: Deception Tools 1. Misusing our vivid imagination, power of suggestion, definition deceit, loose language, and weaponised words.
Reading 3.2.5 About: Deception Tools 2. Illogical arguments
Reading 3.2.6 About: Deception Tools 3. Large numbers, graphical deceit, visual deceit, records, statistics, and an unbalanced view.
The Swamp Page 3
Reading 3.3.0 About: The important difference between an environmentalist and a Green.
Reading 3.1.1 About: The Fruitcake Factory. Discussion about the “End of the World” tales.
Reading 3.3.2 About: Failed Green Campaigns. Silent Spring – All the birds will die.
Reading 3.3.3 About: Failed Green Campaigns. Mass starvation.
Reading 3.3.4 About: Failed Green Campaigns. All the minerals depleted.
Reading 3.3.5 About: Failed Green Campaigns. Acid Rain – All the forests gone.
Reading 3.3.6 About: Failed Green Campaigns. Peak Oil – All the oil gone.
Reading 3.3.7 About: Failed Green Campaigns. A new Ice Age – One hundred metre high block of ice in every backyard.
Reading 3.3.8 About: Deception. Being sold a “Negative Good”.
Reading 3.3.9 About: Deception. The Curse of the Surrogate Goal.
Reading 3.3.10 About: Digital Armageddon. Y2K campaign.
Reading 3.3.11 About: The Greengrocer Test.
The Swamp Page 4
Reading 3.4.1 About: Glaciers and not enough ice. Critique of George Schultz words.
The Swamp Page 5
Reading 3.5.1 About: Test Answers. Heat Content of the Oceans nine times larger.
Reading 3.5.2 About: Managing the conversation about Swamp Issues.
Reading 3.5.3 About: A “small” list of Swamp issues to investigate!!
Reading 3.5.4 About: Tony Heller videos Killing Swamp Issues
Our Response Page 1
Reading 4.1.1 About: When does global warming start?
Reading 4.1.2 About: What is the hurry?
Reading 4.1.3 About: Sources and sinks of carbon dioxide and Man’s carbon dioxide.
Reading 4.1.4 About: Managing the nation’s budget – funds are always limited.
Reading 4.1.5 About: The Copenhagen Consensus ranking the World’s major problems.
Reading 4.1.6 About: Bjorn Lomborg opinion piece titled: “Another Empty Kyoto Protocol”
Our Response Page 2
Reading 4.2.1 About: The curse of the surrogate goal.
Reading 4.2.2 About: Does it really matter how much we are spending on Green issues?
Reading 4.2.3 About: The “show stoppers of Wind Farm power.
Reading 4.2.4 About: More than a dozen minor problems with Wind Farms.
Reading 4.2.5 About: A case study in investing in solar panels.
Reading 4.1.6 About: A summary of all the drawbacks of Alternate Energy.
Our Response Page 3
Reading 4.3.1 About: How ‘dirty’ is ‘dirty’ when talking about conventional power.
Reading 4.3.2 About: Managing the nation’s budget – funds are always limited. We can never be cavalier in our spending in one area – it will hurt us in other areas
Our Response Page 4
Reading 4.4.1 About: The size of ‘Invisible Taxes’ rarely considered.
Reading 4.4.2 About: Councils and Sea Level Rises and the costs they bring.
Misbehaviour Page 1 – Introduction
Reading 5.1.1 About: The film “An Inconvenient Truth”, its scientific errors, falsehoods and more than 100 deceptions – one a minute. It also discusses how the Green movement, Media, politicians and scientists reacted irrationally to this film.
Misbehaviour Page 2 – Moi? Not Us
Reading 5.2.1 About: Why we are failing to recognise the truth and reality and how critical thinking can help us counter this handicap.
Reading 5.2.2 About: Why cognitive dissonance can stop people seeing reality.
Misbehaviour Page 3 – The Media
Reading 5.3.1 About: The Media – one hundred years of misinformation.
Reading 5.3.2 About: Sydney’s “Storm in a Century”
Reading 5.3.3 About: Lazy deceit. Any power station will do.
Reading 5.3.4 About: The ABC and Group Think. An article by Maurice Newman – former chairman of the ABC
Reading 5.3.5 About: More ABC propaganda. Global Warming causing disruption and war.
Reading 5.3.6 About: Mexico’s “Worst hurricane in the history of the World” – but it was an ‘also ran’.
Misbehaviour Page 4 – The Greens
Reading 5.4.1 About: The difference between the Greens and environmentalists.
Reading 5.4.1A About: The Greens’ Leadership methodology.
Reading 5.4.1B About: The ACT Government funding a play titled “Kill Climate Deniers”
Reading 5.4.2 About: Why is Climate Science failing us?
Reading 5.4.3 About: Consensus and the so called “Settled Science”.
Reading 5.4.4 About: Catastrophic sea level rises – melting mountain ice.
Reading 5.4.5 About: Catastrophic sea level rises – melting mountain ice – glaciers.
Reading 5.4.6 About: Bob Brown lying about a Media Release within one day of its release.
Reading 5.4.7 About: Green lies about catastrophic man-made storms.
Misbehaviour Page 5 – The IPCC
Reading 5.5.1 About: “Sales Pitch” by IPCC from Laframboisie’s book “The Delinquent Teenager”.
Reading 5.5.2 About: Forty years of failed IPCC predictions.
Reading 5.3.3 About: The best IPCC scientists are youngsters who have little experience but believe in the ‘Cause’.
Reading 5.5.4 About:
Reading 5.5.5 About: The Greens “Ignoring Science 1”.
Reading 5.5.6 About: Hansen ignoring science.
Reading 5.5.7 About: Poor Green science about Mount Kilimanjaro.
Reading 5.5.8 About: the “Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) report.
Reading 5.5.9 About: The IPCC ignoring two of the World’s best experts
Reading 5.5.10 About: Validated or Evaluated. Climate models have never been validated.
Reading 5.5.11 About: IPCC’s Pachauri’s lies.
Misbehaviour Page 6 – Green Scientists
Reading 5.6.1 About: The Replication Crisis in science.
Reading 5.6.2 About: The failure of Peer Review in science.
Reading 5.6.3 About: The Climate Commission fiddles the figures misleading us all for the sake of “The Cause”.
Reading 5.6.4 About: The very poor science about Mount Kilimanjaro losing its snow cap.
Reading 5.6.5 About: Carbon Dioxide residency time – science versus assertions.
Reading 5.6.6 About: The rapid decay of carbon dioxide’s heating ability.
Reading 5.6.7 About: Why Climate Scientists are failing us
Reading 5.6.7 About: Silencing Any Opposition
Misbehaviour Page 7 – The Politicians
Reading 5.7.1 About: Discuses the “Father Xmas” problem that most Western politicians have.
Reading 5.7.2 About: Discuses the dangers of encouraging authoritarians in a democracy
Reading 5.7.3 About: Discuses the connection between “Freedom” and “Democracy” and how quickly our freedoms can be lost
Other Page 2
Reading 8.2.1 About: Over Population? No, it is under control. We are no longer breeding like rabbits, but we are not dying like flies. Number of babies born in the World plateaued in the year 2000 and will begin to drop. The World’s population will peak in 2050 and then start going down.
Reading 8.2.2 discusses the natural oscillations of ocean currents and the effects they have on our weather.
Other Page 3
Reading 8.3.1 is a paper written by Lindsay Hackett B.Sc. (Melb) titled “Global Warming Misunderstood – The Case for Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power”. Published 7th July 2018 – Updated February 2020.