
Spending the Least Time on this Website.

If you want to spend the least amount of time on this website, you only need to read the single page in the section titled “The Crux” which looks at the question “Is Man causing catastrophic global warming?”

If not totally convinced, you might then want to look at the first page in the section titled “The Swamp”.  This page discusses three popular topics; “Catastrophic sea level rises”, “Catastrophic weather events”, and the statement that “All the scientists agree”.

For Those Who Have More Time or Interest.

After reading the two pages above, it becomes apparent we have two significant problems.  First, there are a variety of organisations and individuals, who we would normally trust, who are misleading and deceiving us.  Second, our gullibility is causing us to be easily misled by them on this and other topics.

To prevent being misled, we need to understand how these people mislead us.  The rest of “The Swamp” section of the site discusses this.

Our Poor Response.

Having been misled, it is not surprising that our response to the global warming issue has been poor.  This is discussed in the section titled “Our Response”.

Not Convinced About Misbehaviour?

If you are still not convinced about the misbehaviour of those we would normally trust, you should read the section titled “Misbehaviour”.

Our Declining Rationality and Critical Thinking Skills

Threaded throughout the previous four sections of the website are examples that show our ability to think rationally and critically is declining.  Without much thought, most people would automatically reject that idea.

So, the simple aim of this website is to attempt to persuade most that this is a problem.

The “Conclusion” section of the website focuses on this problem.

Reading 1.1 expands on this idea and discusses the damage that irrationality can cause to our Western Civilisation.

While on this website, keep reminding yourself this is only one issue showing our growing irrationality affecting just one foundation stone of Western Civilization.  There are many other areas of irrationality and other foundation stones that can be used to convince you of the decline in our Western Civilization.

The Remaining Sections

The “About” Section.  Makes several points about this website before displaying separate “Bibliography” and “Readings” pages.

The “Other” Section. Has a ‘potpourri’ of issues that may interest the site visitor.