Several points need to be made about this website;
- This is an information site – not a blog site nor an interactive site.
- The aim of the site is to provide information to the laymen about irrationality and its effects, using the global warming issue as an example.
- Different parts of the site will be of interest to those who are only interested in the global warming issue. Other parts of the site identify how irrational we have become.
Throughout the website there are PDF “Readings” that are accessed through a button. Each Reading expands on the words on the web page. For those unfamiliar with the topic, the words on the web page might need further explanation – hence the role of the Readings.
It is most unlikely that a visitor will sit down and ‘read’ the whole site including all the Readings. They are more likely to go to areas of interest and only read there. So, when pertinent to several areas, some Readings will be repeated on different pages of the site. When repeated, these readings can be identified by having several different Reading identification numbers, – rather than one.
All the readings on the site can also be found on the next page – “About Page 2“
Accuracy of the Site’s Information
One of the frustrations of reading into this issue is the wide variety of the ‘facts’ you can get on any point. For example, depending on which Green scientists you are talking to, predictions of catastrophic sea levels rises range from 0.8 – 30 metres.
Luckily, any errors caused by using the ‘wrong’ fact in this issue is not material to the argument. For instance, if the predicted sea level rises have 3-15 fold errors, the size of the error doesn’t matter as any prediction error that large is unacceptable.
That there is a logarithmic decay in the heating of each additional 20ppm of CO2 is agreed by both Green and sceptical scientists. That some argue that the exact decay rate is somewhere between 75- 90% per 20ppm doesn’t undermine the conclusion that, for all practical purposes, the additional heating after CO2 concentrations rise above 100ppm is negligible.
As we move from 400-420ppm concentrations, the theoretical additional heating (which no one can prove or disprove) is measured in billionths of one degree. Even if the decay rate was a low as 50% the additional heating would be measured in millionths of one degree rather than billionths. For the layman, and most scientists, either figure can be described as “diddly squat”!
The facts in this issue are a moving feast that is not necessarily accompanied by new or changing science. Often as predictions start failing, the Green Movement and their scientists will backtrack on their predictions which causes confusion. For example, the predictions of Arctic rising temperatures movements being five times higher than average global temperatures’ rises, was changed to four times and then three times as the years passed and no difference could be detected.
If any reader disagrees with the accuracy of information, or of the size of the predictions used on the website, they should ask themselves; “Is the difference material to the argument being made?”
Most of the time the site will be using figures provided by the Green Movement or their scientists. If sceptical scientists’ data is used, the sceptical source will be acknowledged.
Using the Site
As this is an information site, visitors with different interests will go to different parts of the site. For example, for someone with little time who wants to confirm that the issue of “man-made catastrophic global warming” is an “over hyped non- issue”, then they only need to read the single page titled “The Crux”.
If the same people want to learn why the issue has lasted so long, they will need to read about the myriad of distractions – swamp issues – used to extend the life of the issue. They would initially read the first page in “The Swamp” section of the site.
From page 2 of “The Swamp”, those who are interested in the growing irrationality in Western societies can continue to read how our irrationality was used to keep the global warming issue alive.
Our continuing irrationality is discussed in “Our Response” section of the website.
As we progressively abandon the use of logic and facts to resolve issues under debate and resort to emotion, illogic, and irrational arguments, we are driven into all sorts of misbehaviour to try and convince others of our views. The website’s section on “Misbehaviour’ gives examples of such behaviour.
A pot pouri of stand alone issues are presented in the “Other” section of the site situated after the “Conclusion” section, and site description and it’s sources in the “About” section.
There are many books and other sources of information that discuss the “global warming” and related issues. The Bibliography page lists a small selection of these sources.
Constructive Criticism
If any visitor has any constructive ideas on how to improve the site these can be sent to the following email address;
Please do not raise your expectations about seeing a rapid change to the site. We do not have the time or resources to maintain or update the site in a timely fashion. After receiving several suggestions they will/might be included in the site some months after receipt of the email.