Over Population?
Many believe that the World’s population is growing out of control and embrace Malthusian ideas of some sort of crisis. The problem has already been solved. The number of children being born each year peaked in 2000 and has started to decline.
So we are no longer breeding like rabbits but, because of our better health care, we are not dying like flies. So the World’s population is expected to continue to grow up to the year 2050. After that the World’s population will plateau and then fall.
After the advertisements, the video below explains what has happened.
Oscillating Ocean Currents
Oscillating ocean currents have a significant effect on the World’s weather. Their natural effects on the weather/climate have only recently been discovered and measured. In Australia, the El Nino and La Nina are well known to the layman.
Unfortunately, in the emotive and irrational discourse on man-made catastrophic global warming discussions, far too many people believe Man’s CO2 drives ocean currents – which is nonsense.
As a result, the Green movement will correctly identify record warm temperatures being caused by a strong El Nino event then shortly afterwards attribute the effect to Man’s CO2.
Reading 8.2.2 provides some information about several natural oscillating ocean currents that affect our weather.