Other Information
Although more important than swamp issues, the global warming answer is not here.
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This section of the website will have a hodgepodge of different articles and issues in no particular order. The more recent ones will appear on this page. The remainder can be seen on page 2, titled “Miscellaneous”.
On Page 3, there will be articles and topics presented by visitors to the site.
Conspiracies and Modifying Data. In a newspaper article a Professor accused a sceptic of trotting out conspiracy theories when the sceptic stated the Greens had plans to get rid of democracies and replace them with a one party state that would remove personal freedoms. He then mocked the sceptic’s claim that Green scientists were altering historical temperature data. Reading 8.2.1 discusses this issue.
Over Population – “Other” Page 2
Oscillating Ocean Currents – “Other” Page 2