


Remember the crux of this issue.  The theory has been falsified and without correlation you cannot have causation.


What do we mean by ‘misbehaviour’? 

This section of the website predominantly focuses on deceit, misdirection and lies.  When people or organisations misbehave – deceit, misdirection or lies will either be the misbehaviour, or be used to hide misbehaviour in other areas.

For example, scientists who wish to abandon the scientific methodology (the primary misbehaviour) will often use deceit, misdirection or lies to hide their primary misbehaviour.

 This section of the website looks at the following people and organisations that misbehave:

  • Us,
  • The Media,
  • The Greens,
  • The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
  • The Green scientists, and
  • The Politicians.

Obviously, not everyone in these organisations lie and deceive. 

Some might remain silent when this happens which is just as bad, as the liars still achieve their aim.  However, collectively, these organisations spend most of their time deceiving and misleading us – especially on this topic. 

Something needs to be done to stop this misbehaviour.

The Dangers of Deceit and Lies

Liars achieve their aims more often when they are lying to non-liars who trust them.  Once that trust has gone, it is much harder to deceive people.  For example, a liar lying to another liar is rarely believed.

Imagine a society, in the extreme case, when everyone is lying.  The society is likely to collapse.  The legal system would collapse if all lawyers and judges lied.  The business world would also collapse when all trust is lost.  Teachers would no longer impart knowledge as it wouldn’t be used.  It would be more effective if teachers taught their students to become better liars.

Most would agree that this extreme case is not good, and we should avoid it.  To strive for the exact opposite extreme would be a far better goal.  However, in today’s Western societies, lying and deceiving is increasing and is less sanctioned than before.

We are headed in the wrong direction.

Authoritarians and Freedom

The Green leadership have an extraordinarily strong authoritarian streak and they do not hide this very well. 

Authoritarians have difficulty existing in a democracy.  Democracies were created in the hope that our freedoms could be protected from authoritarian elites who wanted to control our lives.  Today, both our freedoms and democracy are being threatened by the Green leadership.

While we confuse the Greens with environmentalists, we have difficulty in believing this.

Why then would the Head of the UN’s Environmental Program (UNEP) arrive in Australia and tell us that we can no longer afford to have a democracy and we need to embrace a government more like the Chinese one party model – in other words an authoritarian state?

Why would Professor Clive Hamilton, as a Green candidate campaigning in Australia’s 2007 Federal election, warn voters of the following Green aims?  “We will get rid of democracy and replace it with a one party state (i.e. an authoritarian Green Party state).  Voters should be prepared to lose up to 85% of their individual freedoms.”

Why would a Green leader in the UK explaining the aim of “food miles” tell the audience of the following Green aims?  “We will drive everyone out of the cities into self sustaining villages where you will live for the rest of your life.  You will only be given bicycles to ride within the village.  You will not be allowed to travel beyond your village.  The Green elite will be the only ones allowed to travel so they can complete their important work.”

Naively we hope and say that it won’t happen.  So, what are we doing to make sure it will not happen?  Continuing to embrace the Green movement and uncritically believe everything they tell us, does not seem like a good countermeasure.

If you still don’t believe the Greens have such goals, more goals are listed in page 4 Misbehaving Greens of this section in the website.  We all need to read these and decide if this is the World we want to live in. And if we accept this life, do we really believe it is a good idea to force all others, who do not like this life, to embrace it with us?

Others Who Are Misbehaving

Not everyone who are misbehaving are authoritarians like the Greens. Most are lying for selfish reasons. By supporting the Green movement’s latest campaign, they can achieve their own aims that have nothing to do with environmentalism or indeed global warming.

In Reading 5.1.1 we see an example of how the Media, educationalists, academics, scientists and politicians weave themselves into an “irrational soup” as they embrace the global warming campaign – all for very different reasons.

Reading 5.1.1 discusses Al gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth”. However, the last half of this reading discusses how our society responded to the film. As such, it is a good introduction into those who are misbehaving.